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Derek Matthew Carter

So yes, a progress report.

So I have accomplished a lot since March. I've visited a great group of engineers, and prosthetic gurus. The facility located is called 'touch-bionics. Most of which I believed worked directly on location in Hilliard, Ohio just N.W. of Columbus [since re-located to Dublin, Ohio.] While I didn't quite remember everyone's home base, I will definitely remember my journey when this is all finished.

The whole process has not only been exciting and productive. It has been filled with a range of emotions from grateful, humbled, and an overall gratitude that has come from the fruit of 110% perseverance and love. Having an extremely dedicated support team [family, friends, and staff] has made a 'strong bridge' for me to walk along, cross, and rehabilitate in a much more fertile environment. Although my journey is far from over, the field of Industrial Design and Bio-Medical Engineering have become my life mission. It's going to be difficult at times, but I can do difficult. I've become pretty fluent in overcoming.

Here are some clips of me working with my right prosthetic. As an extra goodie, I've included an audio clip of my most current song I've been writing and mixing lately in Logic,

"Where Divas Go To Die."

©Derek Matthew Carter 2018.

I hope you enjoy. New blog in about 1-2 weeks. Thank you for your time and interest. Check out my Instagram for more up to date life events.

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